Monday Inspiration: Be an iterator
There's a difference between striving to achieve something and striving for perfection, wherein you realize getting something done is better than perfect. This means that despite the flaws, finishing a task is an accomplishment in itself. At some point, you realize that imperfections aren't always so bad.
Monday Inspiration: Working hard will always lead to better outcomes than luck
Build something that relies on consistency. Build something that relies on you. You have to put in the work, and no one else can do that for you. Start building. Keep trying. Don't stop.
Monday Inspiration: Commit to actions not just results
Define your goals in terms of actions taken rather than by their outcomes. You can't control the outcome but you can influence it by doing your best.
Monday Inspiration: Great things take time to build
Slow and steady wins the race. Anything worthwhile requires a substantial investment of time and effort to create, develop, and refine. Be patient with your journey and trust the process.
Monday Inspiration: One drop a day makes a mighty ocean
One drop a day makes a mighty ocean. Eventually it does! Be patient, if you put in the work, it will pay off. For new habits, give it 100 days of doing it consistently. You will see results!
Monday Inspiration: Talent is a leaky bucket without good habits to hold it
Talent is a leaky bucket without good habits to hold it. Our habits have a bigger influence on our performance than talent, intelligence, luck or decision-making.
Monday Inspiration: Don’t procrastinate. Just do it.
You are probably familiar with the feeling of knowing you should get some work done but somehow not being able to, and so you fool around all the way up to the last minute, when stress and pressure force you to finish the job done; or, in an even worse case scenario, the job never gets done at all.
Monday Inspiration: Start small, start now
Most people want to get better at something. It can be as mundane as keeping a more pristine checkbook or something as grandiose as becoming an elite-level athlete or leader. The process is the same, whether it's big or small. You have to activate your brain to give you the momentum to achieve the goals your set for yourself. Starting with small steps, you have the power to change your life.
Monday Inspiration: Break down big tasks into little tasks
When you are faced with a big task, it helps if you break the task down into smaller, more manageable parts. This will help you avoid stress and procrastination.
Monday Inspiration: Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset
Someone with a growth mindset views intelligence, abilities, and talents as learnable and capable of improvement through effort. On the other hand, someone with a fixed mindset views those same traits as inherently stable and unchangeable over time.
Monday Inspiration: Progress is progress
It doesn’t always go as we think it will go. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. Embrace your journey. You are right where you need to be.
Monday Inspiration: Things will become easier over time
Understand the concept of patience, through understanding time’s role in the natural progression and processes of all living things. If you can develop the capacity to understand this you will make great strides in short-circuiting the “I want it now” mentality.